The murder phenomenon inside the Egyptian family

Document Type : Original Article



The behavior of the murder is the oldest behaviors taught by the individual and the correlative with him since the beginning of creation, even in the development stage, which passed by there was also human evolution in the behavior of the killings. Today, we read and hear about new methods of murder were not exist than ever before and has spread alarmingly in the past few days. With the spread of such crimes in the Egyptian family has become a threat to its security and undermines stability. Therein lies the need to conduct a search to try to monitor some of the Responsible factors for the spread of criminal behavior, especially the phenomenon of murder that happens inside the Egyptian family. Safe place for individuals and all of us who deserves all the effort to keep it from any damage surroundings. So sought researcher to shed light on the phenomenon of murder, especially murder, which occurs within the Egyptian family, and through knowledge of the First, the historical development of the phenomenon of murder. Second, identify the most important social, and cultural factors Responsible for the spread of the phenomenon of murder

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