"The Egyptian newspapers' handling of political human rights issues after the January 25 revolution." - A comparative study -

Document Type : Original Article



This study sought to identify the  news frames  in the issues of the political  human right  in Egyptian newspapers across the content analysis of newspapers of various kinds have been chosen represented by Al-Ahram newspaper and Al-Wafd newspaper  and newspaper Al Masry Al Youm.  it has been selected the time period of the study which is the month of October, November and December of 2011 After reviewing the previous studies that were consulted her and offer classes were conducted analytical study and were the most important analytical results of the study are :
Political human rights issues came in Al Masry Al Youm the   the   issues of the degree of interest at a rate of 40.30% and came in second Ahram newspaper at a rate of 33.33% and came in third in terms of attention to human rights issues and political Wafd newspaper at a rate of 26.35%

Main Subjects