The non-lexical efforts of modernists in the field of common errors

Document Type : Original Article



Non-lexical Efforts Of Modernists In The Field Of Common Mistakes. Efforts of Non-lexical Efforts Of Modernists In The Field Of Common Mistakes appeared when some linguistic scientists in the modern era dealt and had some texts of some matter about the common mistakes within their volumes as they were clarifying the true language. Some of these scientists even arranged such efforts on ABC lexicon, but it did not reach the level of so-called a dictionary of common mistakes . Those efforts have been divided into four sections :
* The first section ; Non-lexical Efforts Of Modernists In The Field Of Common Mistakes within Language Evolution books.
 * The second ; Non-lexical Efforts Of Modernists In The Field Of Common Mistakes within Philology books .
 * The third ; Non-lexical Efforts Of Modernists In The Field Of Common Mistakes within Language Continent books .
* The fourth ; Non-lexical Efforts Of Modernists In The Field Of Common Mistakes within True Language books as well as these such linguistic applications for beginners and intellectuals. And

* the research approachis the descriptive one.

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