He opposed the increase in the sermons of the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him Semantic grammatical study

Document Type : Original Article



This thesis titled with "The extra linguistic structures in the speeches of the Holy Prophet_ peace be upon him  _ grammatical semantic study"  looking at  the increase of some linguistic structures, and the impact of the excess element in the construction of the word, or syntax, such as increasing the nunation in diptote nouns , or increasing the word syntax, such as increasing the preposition "of" and other prepositions .Moreover this research deals with the purpose of the increase and it's  important, whereas the increase is not absurd and not in vain or useless. it is the engine and the motive for syntax, and summoned to increase one or more particular semantic purpose  or give specific artistic value in excess of the original meaning, so the increase shall be effective in the sense, as it leads semantic role .
In this study we will use the descriptive analytical method which analyzes and monitor the  grammatical semantic phenomenon  in the speeches of the Holy Prophet - peace be upon him, and will look into this phenomenon coupled with some of the texts of grammarians and linguists as much as possible,  try to understand this phenomenon and linked it to semantic meaning .

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