Document Type : Original Article



The Computer software and digital technologies has achieved many capabilities that have supported the elements of cinematic language from making a cinematic image that have the ability to deal with the dramatic change and the actions of the characters,
The digital creation has become an essential matter in making cinematic films, and this is what aroused the researcher's attention and specified the topic of his research with the following title: (The Digital Synthesis for Lighting and Coloring in Contemporary Cinema), The hypothalamus came to theorize as follows:
Chapter I "Methodological Framework" It is he who includes the research problem, which revolved around the following question: (What are the ways of The Digital Synthesis for Lighting and Coloring In Contemporary Cinema?) and then the importance of research and the objectives of research, as well as the limits of research.
The chapter II (theoretical framework): It was divided into two topics:
The first topic: (digital synthesis).
The second topic: (Making lighting and coloring digitally).
As for the chapter III (Research Procedures), it included the following:
Research methodology: The researcher has adopted the descriptive approach, and the research sample represented in the (BFG) film, which was chosen as an intentional sample that fits with the research topic, unit of analysis, analysis tool, and finally, analysis of the research sample.
As for the chapter IV (Results and Conclusions), it includes the research findings, the most important of which are:

The lighting and coloring of The Digital Synthesis are gives an aesthetic and realistic touch to the events within the visual structure of contemporary cinema.
Computer software has the ability to create color and light in line with the aesthetic and psychological nature as well as the drama of the event in contemporary cinema.

As well as the conclusions drawn by the researcher in the light of the research results, and the researcher concluded the research with a list of sources.

Main Subjects