Caliph's social role in the era of early Islam and Umayyad era through (Jumal min insab Al-Ashraf) alashraf of ALbalathree book to Bladhire R.T:

Document Type : Original Article



This research is an attempt to discover Caliph's social role in the era of early Islam and Umayyad era through (Jumal min insab alshrfaf) book. Which is considered an important impact and a valuable book because of its valuable information from rare texts in the social aspects.
We see through research the variety of aspects and how Caliph's guidance to activate their social role inside the Muslim community. The most important parts is:- Their adherence to the receiving sources in the Islamic law (The holy Quran, and prophet Sunnah) book, and reject all its opposes, closing all loophole of fabrication in religion and fighting the infidelity people in word and deed.
Mechanisms enforce hat people to carry favor, refine soul, prevention of vice, staying away from people's money and investigate their money sources.

Caliph's had a huge interaction with the social role in the field of social welfare of that era through the subvention which was devoted to the poor, indigent, handicaps, and the special needs people whom become helpless to earn their living, and they didn't forget the prisoners and hostages they assure to look after them and speeding money for their needs.

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