Cultural and Political Role of Lady 'Aisha

Document Type : Original Article



This Study deals with the political and cultural role of Lady 'Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Moḥamad, as one of the most important Female theologians (al-Mutafaqihāt) in Islam, and one of the most famous narrators of the Prophet 's tradition (al-ḥadīth). The Lady to whom the great theologians and scholars of her time returned for explaining verses of Qurʾān and  ḥadīth and in matter of Fatwa. The study also try to shed light on Lady 'Aisha's life, culture, and her intellectual role in the ear of the Prophet Successors (al-Khulafaʾ a-Rashidūn).
The study concluded that Lady 'Aisha was most aware of Qurāʾn's reading and interpretation and the Prophet's traditions. She treated many theological cases, in particular those which concerned with women- as cleanness, marriage and divorce-, and was perfect in Arabic and its rhetoric styles, and fund of Arabic poetry.

As for Lady 'Aisha's political role, the study goes to explain how this role in the period of the Prophet and his two immediate Successors,  Abū Bakr and 'Omar, was confined in narrations of  ḥadīth, and developed during Caliph 'Othmān from being a dominant politician who could directed the Caliph to appoint and exclude the Governors, to be a protestant against his politics and a leader of protesting movement against him.  

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