Administration in the era of the Seljuks of Iraq for the period (555-590 / 1160-1193 m) Through the book of rest of the breasts and a sign of pleasure for the Rwandan He died after the year 607 AH / 1209 AD

Document Type : Original Article



The Rwandan of the most important historians of the Seljuks who believe the theory of the divine right to rule and embodied this theory clearly in his comfort chests and verse pleasure seems to have faith in this theory is that Hafez though technically on the survival of the sultans on top of political power despite implemented princes and Atabeg in the Seljuks Iraq not one of them dares to prejudice the prestige of the Sultan is the belief in this theory began to wane even disappeared completely in the reign of Sultan Tgrl last sultan Seljuks Iraq to the extent that the latter imprisoned by Atabeg Gazzl Arslan, who dared to declare himself sultan of the Seljuks Iraq seems to be not to create law to inherit the throne respected by everyone it was of the most important reasons for the dissolution of the State of Iraq Seljuks and then its demise at the hands of Akhawarzmeyen

 Seljuks Iraq influenced the management of their organizations and institutions of governance have both Ghaznawids and Abbasids and they took Minister veil and other civilians and military personnel, but the sources do not provide us with sufficient information about the characters that have held these important positions and which constituted the administrative apparatus which makes it difficult to find an overview of the principles and considerations taken into account in the selection and management of these tasks and the extent of their success or stumbling onto in their duties.

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