Strategy of Commercial Exchange project (around Baghdad)

Document Type : Original Article



As Baghdad  is situated in the middle of Iraq's geographical site and as a center of  roads  , there is  a future vision  for establishing  circular  road outside Baghdad borders  for passing trucks arriving at  Baghdad  from other governorates. The current study  deals  with  the strategy of  Commercial Exchange around Baghdad  that contributes into mitigating traffic jam in the main roads and for growing the commercial exchange among the governorates.   By this study ,  it will know the potential possibility of applying   the project mentioned above  and the benefits  related to  both  levels (  private and general) and from many sides  most importantly   the economic domain , area , nature of  already- established  establishments,  and area of every establishment; besides , it will explain essential outlines for  methods of  application as to  secure and sustain continuation  in respect to  security, economics  and environment  by preventing  pollution ensuing from  load trucks . Thus,  it will study the project 's  feasibility . In spite,  there is discrepancy in number of trucks  passing through the entrance , but it has been estimated the number of load-trucks   with 3300 truck  daily , carrying approximately 35 ton  for every truck. Every truck will carry  goods   to Baghdad  with load 2-5 tom only , where discharging  from large trucks with load ( 25-35)ton . Finally , it has been  reached to  some results , by  which , it has been formed suggestions  the researcher  considers them as suitable  solutions  based on  safety bases that prevents  the trucks from entering into Baghdad city.

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