The problem of unemployment, corruption, moral, Egyptian society “Education is the value of a model"

Document Type : Original Article



The current study seeks to identify the problem of unemployment, corruption, moral, Egyptian society, "the value of education model", the researcher has treated this goal by answering the following questions:The first question: What is the concept of unemployment and what types?The second question: Is the kind of education affects the presence of the unemployment problem? Third question: Is there corruption in the educational system in Egyptian society?Fourth question: to what extent the impact of corruption change in the value of education?. The study relied on a social survey method, to the questionnaire and interviews inhalers tool, The study found a range of results, where the study found that the problem of unemployment problem vehicle due causes psychological factors and demographic, social, economic and political, as the study found that the unemployment consequences and their impact on the value of education, which is the backbone of the system of community values ​​Vslahaa leads to goodness the rest of the system and morbidity lead to future may have dire consequences, as the study found the importance of the face of unemployment by eliminating the sources of corruption of the decisions of others deliberate careful study, bribery, and nepotism in the appointment, and the concerted efforts of the State with the community all the official and non-official institutions. The study recommends a thorough inventory of the work rates of unemployment and labor force periodically to determine the extent of the problem and their tributaries accurately, the study also recommends that the State will strive to study the problem more carefully to develop appropriate solutions.

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