The Cultural legacies and change in the marriage system "A Comparative field study" between the two socities Egyptian and Saudi"

Document Type : Original Article



The study of cultural heritage and its impact on the change in the marriage system within the various communities is important to get to know their effectiveness and stability despite the changes that have occurred in countries in the past few decades like the oil boom and the subsequent social and economic transformations in Saudi society, which resulted in a technological breakthrough where material wealth helped to own the latest smart devices, which facilitated the opening of cultural, or political revolutions in the Egyptian society and the resulting change in the system of government was followed by chaos on the impact of decreased economic conditions and increased unemployment. As there was also the intellectual openness on the cultures of the world thanks to the use of modern social networking. All of that has a significant impact on the social systems in Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

On another hand, we find that the two communities have common spread cultural traditions associated with marriage, especially since Saudi society is characterized by tribal tension, commonly shared with Saeed in Upper Egypt, these nerviness adheres strongly to some legacies that keeps the continuity of the Homeland marriage, the high value of the Colts and the costs of marriage, strict rules in the relation between fiancés. That is how this study aimed at perceiving the presence of these legacies in these communities, as well as measuring the impact of the program aiming at reduction of overpricing in the cost of marriage as adopted by the Community Development Association in the village of "Kom Edabaa" in Upper Egypt and the possibility of implementing the project in the Saudi society.  The study used the anthropological and comparative approach and tools like the participants` observations and interview inhalers, as well as the corresponding non-inhalers and chroniclers. The application was done within a random sample of (90) persons of Al-Ahsa community, (80) from Upper Egypt, in addition to the (40) families from the village of Kom Edabaa, (5) of the chroniclers, and the study concluded, after the analysis of data.

Main Subjects