Problematic of Trust Concept and Sociological Contributions in it's Study

Document Type : Original Article



This research is trying to shed light on the problematic concept of trust and sociological contributions to study by rooting the concept and some theoretical contributions that can be reached through it to several conclusions that contribute to the understanding issue  of the trust and put it in a framework that can benefit from empirical and systematic, and so are as follows:
Researcher worked - in the light of the above - to define the concept of trust and how to invest, both on a personal level, which represents the first step to communicate with others, through the broader social level.
There are two basic forms of trust relationships in any society; traditional ,modern trust. as for  the traditional trust it's resource is the traditional society to trust for those who only we  know as (family - relatives – staff – Friends - neighbors) and plays at the same time on caution during the treatment of different strangers or treatment strategy " Treatment Similarly ".As for the modern trust working to break down barriers between different people within the legal framework of a non-governmental opens the way for everyone to be treated in accordance with the principles of mainly rising on mutual trust, between the different people culturally ethnically and religiously, such as political parties, NGOs and human rights organizations.
Also it represents the trust one of the pillars that bring people together in all the transactions that occur between them, however, with the evolution of society and complexity and the large number of risks trust became in a poor state, because the majority of the relations between people became purely material interests relationships, therefore trust became vital to the continuity of this society  and straightening the relations within it.
Previous theoretical contributions suggests in its entirety to the importance of composing distinct groups from  family, without government intervention that loosens  these groups it's civilized nature ,  and the communities divided by forms of trust prevailing, when lacking trust between individuals and their peers individuals (small trust ranges ), and between individuals and state institutions those is non-existent trust societies. But when tribalism prevails and controls the family in all individual and collective relations and the level of trust and form stops  by the family or tribe vision  (traditional networks of trust) this is the patriarchal or "family" societies, and this form reigns in most sectors of Upper Egypt and is characterized by its tribal character of a family. But when individuals communicate and seek to spread it and volunteer organizations that go beyond the limits of the family and  the tribe, trust arises  and are formed in the broadest ranges (modern networks of trust) and those are the high-trust societies attributes.

Political trust  is connected to the nature of  political culture and the level of trust in state institutions, and lead to the catalytic role in building the legitimacy of the regime and the state, and the main function of political trust  rounding  and bridging the gap between the ruler and the ruled, and the consolidation of the relationship between state and society.

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