Description Moroccan travelers and the Andalusians Pemmarstanat Levantine From the sixth century to the eighth century AH (12-14m)

Document Type : Original Article



Researcher finds in the history of offering the Arab-Muslim medicine to the country's Arab East during the Middle Ages great difficulty is the lack of resources and the scarcity of information about the practice of medicine and health care, and this constitutes wrote trips Moroccan, Andalusian different patterns and variation of its purposes frame of reference indispensable for the scientist in "medical science field "this is because the sex of literary output involves a significant and diverse balance of cognitive culture rarely find his counterpart in the rest of the historic codes in quantity and quality and expression.

The information contained in the books of Moroccan, Andalusian trips make an effective contribution to the monitoring of many aspects of medical activity Mashreq countries during the period under Dars.ohma what we will try to highlight through our study of the subject.

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