Hamdan of Yemen between political conflicts and sectarian shift in the era of the Sulayhid dynasty

Document Type : Original Article



Yemen has witnessed a conflict between politics and doctrine. It was difficult to disentangle them because of their strong overlap and deep roots in the issue of Imamat in Islam. Thus, the Hamadan tribe became a battleground for Ismaili and Zaydid forces in Yemen, who wanted to invest Hamdan's power in their interest in expansion and expansion of political and sectarian strife. For this, the successive wars led to the control of the Sulayhid dynasty over Yemen after the elimination of the opposition leaderships and defeat. However, all this was exposed in the late Arwa al-Sulayhid era to setbacks due to the many tribal disturbances and sectarian divisions between the Ismaili da'wa in Yemen and Egypt, which weakened the Sulayhid dynasty and led to its subsequent laxity and fall.