Trolley Problem in applied ethics

Document Type : Original Article



The research deals with the study of the concept presented by the Trolley Problem and addressed by Phillippa Foot in her articles entitled "Moral Arguments". The study aims to analyze the problem and the different uses of this concept and its results in the ethical theory and the field of applied ethics, through the following elements: -
1- The inevitability of the relationship between a person and his actions.
2- The role of the Trolley problem in the formation of the moral theory.
3- "Foot" criticism of the utility doctrine.
4- The morals of virtue and happiness.
5- The idea of ​​solidarity in ethics.

By addressing the Trolley problem, the study arrives at emphasizing the importance of the criterion of interest of abundance in the field of applied ethics, and it refers to the exceptional situation in which the violation of rights is permitted, and the critical situations that require one to take a decision as quickly and under great pressure and that this depends on the nature of the situation, And on the quality of the person and the degree of his knowledge of the consequences of his decision and his level of education and culture, this problem highlights the ethical decisions that a person must make in the event of global crises and disasters

Main Subjects