The Poetic Direction in the Poetry of Gabriel Preil

Document Type : Original Article



 Gabriel Preil a Estonian monotheist who grew up in Lithuania and emigrated to America at an early age and settled there.  He wrote many literary products, mostly poetry collections.
Gabriel Preils  poems are characterized by the descriptive character, where we see that these poems, which are often simulated reality, in which the poet avoids the narrative plot in many cases. Therefore Gabriel Preil describes events and interrupts them in those poems.
The photography or description in poetry, especially Arabic poetry was focused on the meaning and not the word, any metaphor and metaphor ... Etc. But the portrayal of Western poets and Gabriel Preil is part of them. The meaning is the same as the word. If in the scene, for example, the movement of trees, the poet uses a suitable sea of ​​sea of ​​poetry that suits the movement. And this subject is withdrawn on words and phrases that fit that witness. Therefore, we see that the writer depicts that movement in the scene through the verses of poetry.
In some of his poems, Gabriel Preil described the Israeli environment and compared it to his American environment. This comparison comes from the influence of his Zionist bent.  According to many critics, some of his poems were a living bridge between American poetry and Israeli poetry after linking the real scene in America and Israel. Gabriel Preil turned the map of Israel into a map of poetry that simulates the Israeli reality in all respects, investing his literary power and using the cinematic method of events, and the purpose of it to be a way to convince the reader what this writer wants.

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