face of industry and workmanshing in researching the deleted at the Ancients Nahow

Document Type : Original Article



The arabic language its one from refreshing language its grow and developing that was be the language classified  Because the language socialite that make it done for the law of life on her system linguistic،also the Arabic language its describe like the most disclosed language her communication excellent  communication its wild language in vocabulary and make it to done people things and the greats  prepare for creativity. Arabic language have more of way to appear that from way figure deleted  pound from figure pound that is (dayden language al thad ).arabic language its such like sea and treasure from knowing treasure and secret،the student and researchers they inter in deep of her vocabulary that it was no end. Industry its come in deleted language on different way it start with discover industry deleted sentence، after that come industry deleted word : name،verb and industry character deleted، it allow on it deleted part from Preposition and anther character like (alf) and (yaa) and deleted (non) (tanoen) etc… industry come deleted the sound  its movements ( aldamaa,kasraa,damaa) harf almaed (alaf، wow and yaa ).
And its was the title of  researchers It (face of industry and workmanshing in researching the deleted at the Ancients Nahow. must to followed every word in title to explanation his meaning of and to see the relationship between every term and other. followed  this original linguistic deleted term and the industry original in Nahow stand on the explain of deleted industry workmanshing appear the difference and the relationship between them and relationship about deleted (Esqaat admar ) etc…. standing by the base of Nahow and industry in following Quran sentences and poetic verses example analysis standing by Nahowing opinions and the Belgians، explanation with what base they have and they opinions for costing in interpretation explanation rating deleted. 

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