Study on the 1928 Jordan-British Treaty in the Archives of the First Jordanian Legislative Council

Document Type : Original Article



The objective of this research is to examine the standpoint of the First Jordanian Legislative Council (1929-1931), from the Jordanian-British Treaty of 1928. The importance of this research is to shed light on the roots of both legislative and political life in Jordan.  This council is considered the first of its kind for important national and political issues, such as the independence, sovereignty and constitutional rule of Emirate of Trans-Jordan. 
also, this research draws upon the basic structure for the early stages of establishing legislation and political and social issues in Jordan including the British mandate, independence, and constitutional sovereignty. The credibility of this research is based on previous ‘Meeting Minutes’ of the Jordanian Legislative Council held in the archives of the Jordanian Parliament to reflect the truth about the discussions that took place in the Council on the treaty.   These ‘Meeting Minutes’ resulted an accurate portrayal of the perspectives of participants or trend towards different standpoints within the council regarding the treaty both of which related or branched from the original ideas and was a re-occurring issue throughout all the Council’s sessions.


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