Trade relations between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of China during the reign of Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah (2006-2020 AD)

Document Type : Original Article



This research derives its importance from clarifying the role of Kuwaiti-Chinese trade relations, especially in light of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, and its importance and impact as the economic century project in the world on Kuwait. The main question that the research raises is the role of Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad (2006-2020 AD) in strengthening economic-political relations between the two countries, and what is the role, impact and importance of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in achieving the Sheikh's vision of making Kuwait a global financial and trade center in 2035. The study came out with several conclusions, the most important of which are: The necessity of continuing economic cooperation between the two countries due to their common economic and political interests. The study also concluded by laying out a set of important recommendations to enhance cooperation between the two countries in the long run, and to reflect positively on the Gulf Cooperation Council states as a whole.


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