Mason presentation and discussion

Document Type : Original Article



The search contained an introduction, a preface, and seven searches; the preface presented the search plan, method, and importance; the preface entered the search, and a confidential statement of this movement. Then the first researcher was on the definition of freemasonry, where the verbal definition was given, and that the term "freemasonry" was made up of three syllables, she; Lastly, it has been called "mason", meaning trade or construction, and "ry", which is not restricted to anyone; lastly, it has been called "mason" in 1717; then it has been called "mason" instead of the old name "hidden power" and it has chosen "mason" as a symbol for the builder who will build the structure of Solomon. The idea was to identify the masonic as an organization, speak out for supporters and opponents, and conclude that the masonic "was a destructive ideology, one of the most dangerous movements created by the hateful jewish mentality to hold the world together and rule it according to jews' will, with the aim of preserving the jewish human being, enabling him to control the course of human societies, free from the controls of belief in god, and all of its heritage in religious belief, and to prepare the ground for a long and far-reaching battle against Islam and its people in different homelands. The second was the progeny of the masons, whose progeny was difficult to trace, since the organization was secretive and concealed its papers excessively. I presented the statement in this, and divided it in two, before the eighteenth century and after the early eighteenth century, and I surmised that a freemason in the modern sense originated after the eighteenth century A.D. 1717. The third search was for a masonic relationship with the jews, in which it was shown that the masons were a purely jewish innovation, and that the masons were

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