Phonetic pluralism in my poem "Revolution in Hell" by Al-Zahawi and "Neger and Denied" by the king of poets Bahar

Document Type : Original Article



The names of polyphony have varied, there are those who call it polyphony, and there are those who call it dialogue, and just as its names has multiplied, it also has many types, including dialectical dialogue, literary dialogue, linguistic dialogue and others.
This research was characterized by studying linguistic polyphony or the linguistic dialogue that focuses on polyphony in some vocalized sounds and extracting views. In order for polyphony to be realized, multiple and opposing sounds must be present, between which there is dialogue and interaction, which leads to the creation of an interactive dialogue text in which visions and situations differ. On this basis came the choice of the poem of "Revolution in Hell" by Al Zahawi and the poem of "Munkar and Nakir" (The Denied and The Denier) of the King of Poets Bahar as a model for polyphony in Arabic and Farsi languages.
The research aims to study the polyphony between Al Zahawi and Bahar by showing the similarities and differences between the polyphony of each of them in ideologies as well as in the patterns of dialogue. As well as in the nature of the linguistic formation between them through the contrastive approach, relying on the theory of polyphony that was founded by Decro, taking Bakhtin's theory as its basis.
Based on this approach, the research was divided into Introduction: It deals with the definition of the topic, its importance, previous studies and the methodology used in the study. It was followed by the first topic, which deals with ideology and the multiplicity of ideas in Al Zahwi and Bahar. Then the second topic which studies the phonemic formation and types of polyphony in Al Zahwi and Bahar, by studying the sayings of the speaker, the sayings of the characters and the sayings of diaphony in them. In addition to addressing the types of polyphony, they have by studying the internal dialogue and the external dialogue. As for the third and final topic: it examines the image of language at Al Zahawi and Bahar, how to choose words, and determine the style of the two poets through specific mechanisms represented in dubbing, stylization and diversification. Then comes the conclusion with the most important findings of the study, followed by the sources and references that have been used in this study.

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