Personal characteristics of students of the Department of Art Education In light of Gordon Albert's theory of personal preparations

Document Type : Original Article



The current research was interested in studying (the personality traits of students of the Department of Art Education in the light of Jordan Albert's theory in personal preparations), which included four chapters, the first chapter dealt with the methodological framework of the research, which contained the problem that was reduced to the question: (Are there specific characteristics of the personality of the recipient students according to Albert's Theory?) While the importance that was demonstrated by studying the concept of personality included its dimensions, significance, and classifications, within the limits of adopting the Jordan Albert Scale for Psychological Preparations.
  In addition to the research objectives, including: Exposing the personality traits of students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / Department of Art Education / University of Baghdad, by checking the validity of the following hypotheses:
There is no positive correlation with significant significance at the level (05.0) between the general personality traits and the social trait of students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / Department of Art Education / University of Baghdad.
- There is no positive correlation with significant significance at the level (05,0) between the general personality traits and the responsibility feature of students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / Department of Art Education / University of Baghdad.
There is no positive correlation with significant significance at the level (5 0.0) between the general personality traits and the control trait among students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / Department of Art Education / University of Baghdad.
- There is no positive correlation with significant significance at the level (5 0.0) between psychological characteristics and the emotional stability feature of students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / Department of Art Education / University of Baghdad.
      As well as the limits of the research, which were limited to revealing the relationship between personal characteristics (social, responsibility, control and emotional equilibrium) as measured by the (Jordan Albert) scale among recipients from students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / Department of Art Education / University of Baghdad for the academic year (2016-2017) and for morning study. While the second chapter included the theoretical framework and previous studies, which included two topics, the first came under the title: The concept of personality (origins and theories), while the second topic dealt with the personality theory of Jordan Alport to the previous studies. While the third chapter included research procedures, which included the descriptive approach to research, which the researchers adopted as the easiest curriculum to achieve the goals of the study as well as the research community, which is represented by all students of the Faculty of Fine Arts / University of Baghdad in the Department of Art Education for all stages and number (456) according to records The college for the academic year (2016-2017) is (219) males and (237) females. The total of the first stage students was (207), by (110) males, (97) females, and the total of the second stage students (120) by (62) males, (58) females, and the total of the third stage students (67) by ( 28) Males and (39) females, and the total number of fourth stage students (62), by the rate of (19) males, and (43) females. The researchers adopted a measuring tool, represented by the Jordan Porter scale, to measure personality traits, which includes (72) items, and measures four attributes (social - responsibility - control - emotional balance) after researchers extract the stability of the scale in two ways: (re-test method, and the Kuder method - Richardson 21) as well. On relying on the statistical methods used in art education. While the fourth chapter included the results, conclusions, recommendations and proposals, and the most important results of the current research are:
1- The mean for the social attribute of the general student population was (6,837) with a standard deviation. The researchers used the T-test for one sample to verify the significance of the difference between the students ’mean and the average scale of (9). The calculated t-test value (14,767) )
2- The mathematical average of the responsibility attribute for the general student reached (6,404) with a standard deviation (2,730). The researchers used the T-test for one sample to verify the significance of the apparent difference between the students ’mean and the average scale of (9), so the calculated t-test value (18,431).

      In addition to the most important conclusions, the most important of which are:) The level of personality traits among the general population of the sample does not rise to an excellent level, it ranges between the medium and slightly above it. (And up to the research proposal tagged: (The effect of emotional equilibrium in the growth of personality in the products of students of art education)).

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