Conceptual Art Styles in Fine Art

Document Type : Original Article



The idea is the tool that makes art, as it transcends the form, so the work becomes a creative process such as philosophy determined by controversy and the development of questions, and here the disengagement between the recipient and the function of art, and employing the visual perception with the senses, and freedom from the limitations of the formal workmanship, where the conceptual work exceeds transforming reality and formulating it from New with an artistic approach to absolute beauty, so looking at reality is the primary field for aesthetic interview, that is, it contains a minimum for beauty, and the transformation of work from content to concept, meaning freedom from restrictions. The first question in the mind must be what is conceptual art, are they works focused on the idea that is the main concept of conceptualism, and its philosophical existence based on finding solutions to ideas by putting them in a striking way through the image that carries icons and symbols that requires the recipient to decipher their codes.
If we look carefully at the statement of (Alliot) (shape without style, shadow without color, paralyzed force, gestures without movement), we find a breakdown in the external world through the eloquent modernist picture, the form is the external image and it is pure art that is abstract from the content and is represented in it Technical conditions for artwork. Conceptual art, which many are likely to have embarked on with photography, where he found himself with this artistic creativity and from this mixture between the photographic image that relied on several data, next to the plastic painting of the material where we see the presence of two articles, the first is a photograph and the second is another material, for example, the artist’s work (Joseph Coast), who combined the photo and object-oriented image of the chair as a ready-made material to become his famous phrase, which he presented alongside his artwork, a conceptual revelation of a new idea. Several works in cinema bearing new creativity through simulation of the elements of the cinematic language in modern ways give it the spirit of renewal.

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