Irrigation and Drainage Projects, Methods and methods used in Irrigation Operations In the districts of Taji and Tarmiyah

Document Type : Original Article



Our choice of this subject is in line with the other studies to give a study on the possibility of optimizing the utilization of water resources and promoting them in order to preserve them through the establishment and development of irrigation and drainage projects. Including the irrigation project Ishaqi, where it is a large-scale project, where most of the conditions necessary  are  available for the success of irrigation projects and cemented and that the lands that pass through most of them are agricultural lands invested in field crops.  We found that there is a correlation between the values ​​of water needs and the way and method of irrigation by which these irrigation needs are transferred to agricultural crops. In this context, the study of irrigation and drainage projects in the districts of Al-Taji and Tarmiyah was chosen. The study included two axes: The first axis: The geographical distribution of irrigation and drainage projects in the study area. The second axis includes the ways and methods used in irrigation operations in the study area.

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