Honor crimes in patriarchal society (a filed study in Baghdad governorate)

Document Type : Original Article



(Honor crimes without honor) inherited societal behaviors and a constant threat to the lives of women, which is an inhuman, socially justified phenomenon that contradicts the values ​​of the Islamic religion for criminals made by popular culture and continues to be controversial between two groups of people: the first in support and the other rejecting, as an acts that violate moral standards and societal ethics, where it is defended under the name (preservation of honor. The research sample consisted of (judges, gynecologists, and social researchers) in Baghdad / Al-Karkh and Al-Rusafa governorate, which amounted to (100)  respondents , because their work is related to the phenomenon. The legal, health and social dimension are goals that were confirmed by the research. As for the most prominent results of the research, it is represented that the vast majority of the respondents do not believe in the principle of collective punishment (social stigmatization) and most of the respondents emphasized the positive position of the Islamic religion,  but in truth, honesty and success.


Main Subjects