Descart Cogito Deconstruction

Document Type : Original Article



With the rise of Descart cogito “cogito ergo sum “the self has taken a centralized post in the philosophic thinking, and the self configured an essential basis that is of the most factors of modernity movement in philosophy. But when Neitzsche announced concept of self described as an illusion. And when Freud announced that subconscious controls conscious, then this centralization that the self occupied to get determine and retrieve. Meanwhile, self criticism and announcement of its decentralization are from the most factors of philosophic post-modernity movement.          .
Derrida disconnected Descart’s cogito through rivalry between him and “Michael Fucolut “about the interpretation of Descart cogito. Fucolut has seen that there is a real deconstruction to madness along thinking history, and that Descart cogito expresses a real alienation to madness and a complete exclusion to it. But Derrida sees that there is misread from Fucolut to Descart, as he sees that the character of malice devil which Descart took that to express complete madness   .
With Derrida’s language, the Descartian cogito represents the logo centrism and metaphysic of presence. But Derrida sees that the present attendance is always for the Descartian cogito composed from two absentees one the past that passed, and the other is the future which didn’t present yet, so the cogito doesn’t enjoy the complete attendance that he claimed .   

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