An analytical study of the image reflected by the Egyptian print press For non-Arab African countries - comparative study

Document Type : Original Article



Egypt has a legacy of historical and human capabilities and cadres of informational and technical capabilities to restore glamor role played in Africa during the fifties and sixties, by giving a large space in the media for African issues and provide an opportunity to exchange peoples of information, news, views and ideas as to help understand each others better and be allowed to find a general agreement on a lot of issues and problems of regional and international, The study aims to identify the image reflected by the Egyptian press printed the African non-Arab countries and that the application to a sample code, Which included an analysis of news articles published about African non-Arab countries in the study place of newspapers (Al-Ahram - Egypt today - Al-Wafd) Through the application form and content analysis applied to the study sample, The study concluded that as a result of the study interesting topics Newspapers politics, economy, sports, giving them the largest proportion in the press coverage, The nature of the topics or geographical area did not affect the nature of news coverage of the issues of African countries under study, While coverage is affected newspapers towards addressing the issues and how to achieve balance in the presentation of the material written and it reflects the newspaper's policy in dealing with African non-Arab countries and the image reflected from those countries issues.