Drast Isnadiah lHadith Wa la yantaheb

Document Type : Original Article



The discussion revolves around the discussion of Imam Abu al-Hasan ibn al-Qattan in the fact that the word: “He does not despair ..” is waqf. Ibn al-Qattan saw that the word: “He does not look after a plunder of honor that people raise their eyes to him when he is a believer.” Abdel-Haq gave it to a Muslim. It is possible to raise and stop, and the back has the endowment.
It is asserted that the word: 'with honor' is not used by Muslim, and this word is not found in Ibn Shihab’s narration except through Al-Awza’i.
The research discussed that by saying that there were clear narrations in Sahih Muslim by raising without possibility: Abu Bakr bin Abdul Rahman followed him on this by a group, including: Hammam bin Munabbih, Abu Salih, Abu Salamah and Ataa
As for the word: 'with honor,' this word is found in the word 'and does not vow', and it is after the narrator said: Abu Hurairah used to join them. What has already been said after saying: “Abu Hurairah” was according to Muslim from the raised one of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and not from the one who was appointed to Abu Huraira.

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