Students of Jordanian Universities trends of public and private(Mutah University, Jordan University, Amman Private University)about the causes of sexual harassment

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the trends of Jordanian university students of government and private three (Mutah, Jordan, Amman eligibility). The study sample consisted of (600) students from three universities. Was applied measuring instrument consists of (10) paragraphs after verification of the truthfulness and reliability implications.
The results showed that the percentages of the trends of female students in Jordanian universities (government and private) about the causes of sexual harassment ranged between (51.7 - 77.8), was the top reason is due to the lack of religious morals. Also showed the presence of statistically significant differences of the two variables (age, academic level) in the physical sexual harassment. And the absence of significant statistical differences for the variable age in the verbal sexual harassment. And the presence of significant statistical differences to the variable of school performance, verbal sexual harassment. And also showed no significant statistical differences for the variable age in the non-verbal sexual harassment. And the presence of significant statistical differences for the variable-level course in non-verbal sexual harassment.
      Based on the results, the study recommended follow-up research on sexual harassment in universities. And amend legislation relating to harassment and the development of laws and rules in order to control this phenomenon in the communities. And inform students on the university regulations and instructions and put it on a page and the page University Deanship of Student Affairs, and in particular those relating to offenses and penalties taken against student offenders and outlaws from acceptable behavior on the university.
Key words: Trends, harassment, sexual, students, universities, government, private