Social Technologization and Man's Biological Clock: A field Study on a Sample of Menoufia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article



The search current first attempt Sociological to detect the effect of the Social Technologization on the nature of the biological clock of the body and the consequent effects on the social roles of respondents, noting that biological clocks are the alerts that are issued for the exercise of social roles and the use of modern devices, are the words of Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens and Michelle Vokuh guidelines for the analysis of the research, which is one of the descriptive research results, social survey sample, and his tool questionnaire. The total sample of 148 reached Researched from various residents groups in Menofia, and the results revealed that what is used by the respondents of devices (computer - Telfon- car ) affect the exercise of the respondents everyday roles (work-sleep-continues a family-practice sport), and recommend the need to spread awareness of the dangers of excessive use of risk society devices, as well as the methods of safe use of these devices, and the need for a health system to adjust the biological clocks.
Keywords: Social Technologization - Risk Society - Biological Clock - Medical Sociology