The image of the Holy Qur'an and the pre-Islamic poetry, a study of significance and photography

Document Type : Original Article



This study aimed at identifying the method in which the Holy Quran and the pre-Islamic poetry addressed the terms of (Arabism and Non-Arabism) in terms of the linguistic meaning and the nature of poetic artistic visualization of them.
The study reviewed the Quranic verses in which the two terms were mentioned as well as the opinions of the interpreters and linguists about these two terms. Then, the researcher addressed the pre-Islamic Arabic poetry, devising images and scenes that reflect the nature of this understanding as well as the view of Arabs of non-Arabs, their feeling of their Arabism in the Arabian Peninsula, and their description for the nature of non-Arab civilization, in terms of food, clothing, appearance, as well as their response to the call of civilization in that time.
The researcher concluded some of the psychological traits of the Arab nation, their customs and traditions that enabled them to hold the banner of Islamic religion, away from the materialistic nature and corruption of nature.
The researcher used the descriptive interpretive approach, and we hope that Allah may lead us to the straight path.

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