An Arab Feminist in the Global Arena: The Ideas and Advocacy of Ahdaf Soueif

Document Type : Original Article



This research paper examines the political and social activism of contemporary Arab Egyptian feminist, Ahdaf Soueif, an exemplar of dedicated feminist activism for Egyptian and Arab women. It opposes Orientalism which characterises Arab women as in-active and isolated within their communities. The first section discusses the foundations of Egyptian women’s social movement in the late 19th Century, facts which contradict the Orientalist stereotype of Arab women. The second section examines Soueif’s dual goal of criticising and defending the Arab world. Soueif’s criticism focuses on Egypt’s political regime and the tyrannical policies of Hosni Mubarak. Simultaneously, she defends the Arab world by criticising western foreign policy, particularly the US. For example, the US’s interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan. She also condemns US foreign policy for bolstering the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Following Edward Said’s principles, she condemns western media and literature for its role in distorting the image of Arabs on a global scale. The third section focusses upon the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict and how Soueif highlights the daily suffering endured by Palestinians.  Part four explores Soueif’s devoted advocacy of human rights, women’s rights, democracy, and peace. In conclusion, the paper contends Soueif’s social and political contributions on behalf of Egypt and the Arab world follow the legacy of the pioneering Egyptian and Arab women before her. This paper opposes Orientalist philosophy and rejects its distorted image of Middle Eastern women.

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