The Mathematical logic in The grammar Thought

Document Type : Original Article



The Arab Culture was founded; The analysis and deduction In this Foundation our Scientists were in Flounced by mathematical ideology. Where Scientists gathered Arabic Words and counted them mathematically depending on The interpretation and reasoning that appeared in their books and the mathematical logic was based on the deductive system which made the non. Interconnected system together. It gave us a set of fixed rules and that happened in grammar where consistency of language is formed according to linguistic structure that is subject to the logical relations and consistency that could be measured.
Grammar science is founded on the relationships between the parts of speech. The discovery of the nature of these relations could be found out through a scientific approach based on observation of linguistic phenomena and noting sot the grammarians of the phenomenon of parsing grammar. Then experimenting to demonstrate the validity of the findings of the grammarians in induction of results. Then putting the hypotheses to devise the proper drafting methods. If ratified hypotheses and grammarians proved them, they become general rules.
The measurement- inductive or formal- is an allusive of strong interdependence  between mathematical logic and grammar because it's based on the origin, branch, reason and rule.