The use of montage to produce the underlying structure to highlight significance and meaning in the film context

Document Type : Original Article



The research is to employ of montage to produce the underlying structure to highlight significance and meaning in the film context . by following the footage and focusing on the specific details and most importantly in those shots before and after the clips. To produce a latent meaning and multiple additional connotations, as per the receiver's reference. That snapshot or footage of the context in the film remains influential and may be the main focus of the film context. The research is distributed on the first chapter, in which the methodological framework of research, The second chapter is the theoretical framework which is distributed to three subjects. The first topic is about the concept of the shot and the structure of the shot, the structural structure and the underlying structure of the cat. In the second part, the researcher dealt with the semantic structure and the film context and meaning. The third topic deals with editing and development, and then to the editing and drama focus. The third chapter included the sample of the research and analysis of the film sample. Chapter 4 deals with the findings and conclusions. Research of this type must also contain reliable sources and references to support scientific research.

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