The influence of the West on the social customs and traditions of Japan (1912-1868)

Document Type : Original Article



Japans leaders used the deep-rooted and deep-rooted values of the Japanese for development goals. The affiliation of individuals to the family and the small community has become a means of transmitting the Japanese spirit. Field research confirms that the Japanese believe that life is worth living only when it is with members of a group. The apprenticeship of the Japanese nation has been fimly established. Lt is one of the most important features of the Japanese nation throughout its history and its readiness to stand in the position of the disciple of glory of civilizations and advanced models without a deficiency or superiority complex as well as not compromising the constants and elements of Japanese personality. Japan stood by the position of the pupil of ancient Chinese civilization. And then stood the same position after centuries of civilization of Europe and modern America.            


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