The margin of text and writing strategy in the contemporary critical approach

Document Type : Original Article



The process of creative perception of existence and self as a process of communication and aesthetic to the dialectic between the concept and self in terms of reading the resulting relationships and procedures, which resulted in the formation of kinetic awareness of knowledge, and this is found in the transformation of the monetary curricula of the era of modernity and beyond, Creativity and scientific hypothesis, there have emerged many theories and methods of different between the form and content or context or focus on hidden structures and meanings of the meaning, the specificity of the concept of Grammatology creates a dialectic in the re-creation and Grammatology the conceptual world in the visions of deliberation within the dimensions of space The study of the concept of Grammatology, as well as the study of the concept of Grammatology in aesthetic work, discusses the dimensions of the concept of Grammatology as a monetary basis based on the understanding of the concept of Grammatology, And Grammatology to the human and creative world within the cultural, specific and communicative data of the recipient, the research answers the question he raised about the concept of Grammatology as a project in the Grammatology of human discourse, especially the creative and theatrical in particular through the analysis of Monetary concepts and literacy goal and meaning of culture and the recipient, detaching the search results that the concept of Grammatology genesic constant dynamic in the receive speech aesthetic process, and the meaning of previa.

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