Orientals as a tool of colonialism

Document Type : Original Article



   The Orientals is widely science has Its pros and cons, so it is wrong to circulate judgments on the entire output Orientals because there are some productions is objectivity, truth be told that the Arab thinker had not seen the full objectively to the writings Orientals, and still think that everything that comes from the West over Arab East and the Muslim world is Orientals goal intellectual, cultural, social and political colonization, and in fact, this perception is wrong, because part of these writings have been issued from the clergy or writers or philosophers Westerners have nothing to do Orientals and its objectives, so it must be noted that not all what was produced at the West over the East, Arabs and Muslims is Orientals political or colonial, and therefore may be useful in that our view of the product of Orientals be objective look fit and value posed by these studies of ideas and opinions is important for the East, Arabs and Muslims. This research deals with Orientals briefly in terms of: concept, causes, goals, methods, and fields and figures fair-minded people, as intake of colonial perspective of culture and thought and the land and resources of the country's east, Arabs and Muslims.                                                                                                        


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