Financial responsibility of the Minister in the Abbasid state For Period (247-334A.H.) (861-945A. D.)

Document Type : Original Article



Some periods of our history are still neglected, they did not receive the care and research they deserve and some of these periods may be important in their developments and their impact, and from these periods the period that we will address in this research, even though it is a period during which the Abbasid Caliphate moved from being the first force in what was called the Middle Ages To a group of states and emirates that have clear or anxious entities, and that the rest of the land of the caliphate is subject to Buoy control, and the Turks preceded them after controlling the decisions of the Abbasid Caliphate for the period (247-337AH / 861-945 AD), as the control of the Turks and the weakness of the Turkish caliphs, including those who sought God, To ignore the conditions of the ministry and take over by anyone They are, and this is how Utamesh assumed the Ministry of Assistants, tied things up and cut off great money for himself (and he went to what is in the money houses and overthrew him). Given the importance of this period, we will therefore study the minister’s position on the financial institution and how to interefer it for them,


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