The alienation of personality in the contemporary Iraqi theater

Document Type : Original Article



The text of the play consists of several elements that are mutually supportive to each other. The personal element is the medium that carries the intellectual content of the text and has interactive relations with the other elements. These relations influence the course of events that the author has drawn up according to his own vision. The personality is the human aspect in the text which is characterized by the influence and influenced by the external environment through its internal mechanisms, which are the nature of their interactions, the community of internal psychologically alienated internally and socially reflective, the term alienation is a painful feeling that affects the same person as a result of pressure meeting Of religious or political or economic forms of public behaviors (with the community) and private (with itself) that these behaviors appear negative (according to Freud), the separation and withdrawal from society or positively and compensated by (Adler), art, poetry and music..

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