Referral and textual consistency in the lost paradise of Muhammad Ahmed al-Mahjoub

Document Type : Original Article



This study sought to demonstrate consistency and its means represented by referring pronouns and signs and the extent of their spread at the level of the textual space I mean the "Paradise Lost" Diwan of the Sudanese poet "Mohammed Ahmed Al Mahjoub". To two topics, the first topic of it includes a definition of the poet and his book, then he passes over the context of the poem and reveals the aspects related to it. Mir signal.
framework will follow the applied framework that is the purpose of this study to track the availability of these concepts in the text and to what extent their role has led to its consistency. The poem has been divided into four sections until it is clear that these referring pronouns are followed. Then the second syllable, the third syllable, and the last syllable, followed by the addressee pronoun with the same trace in the four syllables, and after the conscience of the absent, and finally the name of the reference with the same path of pronouns.

that the study found that there is a significant amount of those referral means represented in the pronouns of all kinds and forms of pronoun for the speaker and another for the addressee and a third for the absentee, and then there are multiple designations that linguists put, and the names of the sign that are also other means of referral, and multiple forms there This and these and here and those from what was mentioned in the text studied. All of that is a form of linkages that contributed to the consistency and consistency of the text, and I refer to the availability of other means of consistency, but I felt limited to pronouns and the name of the sign, noting that the text was devoid of linking tools .

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