The Structure of the Inner Rhythm in the Poetry of Yad Allah Ruyayi

Document Type : Original Article



This study deals with "The Structure of the Inner Rhythm in the Poetry of Yad Allah Ruyayi". The inner rhythm is a rhythm that derives its components from the vocal movement system and the rhythm of words and sentences in order to achieve a new rhythm structure that is compatible with the form of the new poem, especially the Cubist Poem or the Quantum Poem as it is called. Yad Allah Ruyayi is considered its founder in Iran, and the first to introduce it to the Persian poetry, as a result of his mixing with French culture and his influence with the French poets.
This study addresses the rhythmic structure in the poetry of Yad Allah Ruyayi through the descriptive structural approach, which is concerned with the study of the language as it is; i.e. its current status.
The study is divided into three topics: The first is entitled the "Simple Rhythmic Repetition" in the poetry of Yad Allah Ruyayi, and the second is entitled "Complex Rhythmic Repetition" in the poetry of Yad Allah Ruyayi, and the third and the last is called "Rhythmic Parallelism" in the poetry of Yad Allah Ruyayi. It is preceded by an introduction that addresses the definition of the subject and its importance, the aim of the study, the previous studies, the methodology of the study and its plan, followed by a conclusion with the most important results of the study, then proved this by the sources and references.

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