"Methodology of Linguistic Apprehension At Bakry's Lexicon of Foreign Names of Countries and Places" An Analytical Study in the Light of Contemporary Geographical Linguistics.

Document Type : Original Article



   Since Bakri announced, in the introduction of his book, the main goal of classifying this lexicon; the writing of a lexicon of the names of countries and places which is clearly identifiable and unambiguous. This paper is titled: “Methodology of Linguistic Apprehension at Bakry's Lexicon of Foreign Names of Countries and Places": An Analytical Study in the Light of Contemporary Geographical Linguistics. It is an attempt to survey his methodology of linguistic apprehension of the names of countries in the lexicon, by tracing the various methods of apprehension that varied between letters of all names about dotting, vocalization, dotted and un-dotted letters.
 Moreover, it attempts to use the morphological entries to apprehend names such as their diminution and the phonemic substitution, apprehension by the morphological balance, attribution, the formulae of their derivatives, singular, dual and plural cases, abridged, imperfect and elongated naming, as well as its uniqueness in some methods of linguistic apprehension and its applications in its lexicon, and so on, which reflected a unique methodology to make the names of countries and places clearly identifiable.


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