Educational values in the commandments of Lukman al-Hakim And its role in raising the individual and society

Document Type : Original Article



The Holy Qur’an is the basis of education. Goals, fields, approaches, and methods of the Holy Qur’an prepare the person intellectually, spiritually, psychologically and functionally, taking into account the persons' preparations and capabilities, and the needs of the society in which he\she lives.
The raising of children currently has become very difficult because of the strong waves of challenges and needs. The first need in the priorities list is the absolute belief in the responsibility of all institutions of society, starting with family, through kindergarten to school, university, mosque, media, etc., and raising children and preparing them to face future challenges and problems.
The research acquires its importance from the importance of inviting the Noble Qur’an to raise, prepare and qualify the human being as the caliph in the earth, and the human must build the earth through knowledge, research and sustainable consideration of the great creation of God and his kingdom.
I would like to emphasize that there is no field of Quranic studies or educational studies that have created from lack, or innovated from a vacuum, but rather first and foremost, it is a matter of accumulated maturity over time and connected efforts over the days. Accordingly, knowing the values ​​derived from the Quranic verses which represented by the commandments of Luqman al-Hakim to His son has a continuous increase. We draw strength from him whenever the challenges surrounding us and try to narrow our place.
The research aims to identify the educational values ​​derived from the commandments of Lukman al-Hakim to his son in an attempt to remind the preachers, educators and, parents with the important educational methods that these values ​​contain. These values represent the basis for building a person's education.
To achieve the goal of the research, I adopted the descriptive and analytical approach to the Quranic verses in Surat Luqman.
The most important findings of the research include the following:
1. The Qur'anic Verses of the commandments of Luqman al-Hakim are Educational.
2. Educational values ​​derived from Quranic verses.
3. The role of wills in the behavior of the individual and society.

Main Subjects