The Rise and Development of Secret Movement in Yamen On The Third Century A.H

Document Type : Original Article



This study deals with the start of the secret ismaili propaganda in Yamen, which had been adopted as base to spread their ideas and thoughts as far as to North Africa.
From the beginning, the ismaili propagandists were fully aware of the important of Yamen for their call and activities. It was far from the center of the Abbasid Caliphate Iraq, and its complicated and rough terrain. All these facts made yamen the perfect place, as it far from the eyes and surveillance of the authority.
This study will focus on the great role that had been played by two distinguished ismaili's propagandists in yamen. The first, Abu Qasim Hasan b. Farah b. Hawshab al-Kufi and the other was Abu al-Hasan ali b. Fadhal al-Jayshani.