sound between classic Arabic and other accents

Document Type : Original Article



This research is about the /g/ sound between classic Arabic and other accents. The importance of this matter is that the /g/ is a compound sound which changed from a simple sound into a double sound that starts with /d/ from "ghar" and ends with voiced /sh/, so it had many pronunciation ways.
Language dictionaries emphasize that if a language is spoken in many parts of the world and a lot of people used it, it will be impossible for this language to keep its earliest unity for a long time and it will change into many accents and each accent will have a different way of development which leads to a lot of differences between these accents until each accent became a different one that can't be understood except for its people. Thus a new language will come from the main language but they will agree in other ways because  the earliest root leaves an effect which shows the linguistic  relations between them.

In  this research I have used Descriptive Method which I used when I talked about the /g/ articulations and characters and how it is pronounced. In addition, I followed  a historical method when I talked about the /g/ historical and modular developments.

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