The Israeli-Iranian conflict and its future repercussions A critical study in the novel מי במים ומי באש "Who is by Water and Who by Fire" For the Israeli writer "Azriel Lorber"

Document Type : Original Article



The present study examines the future perspectives of Iranian-Israeli relations in "Who is in water and who is in fire" by the Israeli novelist Azrial Lorber in the light of the threat imposed by "the Israeli nuclear program" from an Israeli perspective. It is also based on imagining the success of the "Israeli scientific community" to discover an alternative power source rather than oil, as the novel shows, in line with making sure that the Iranian regime has three hydrogen bombs by the Mossad (the Institute for Intel​ligence and Special Operations).
The study attempts to answer some questions. In total, they are related to interpret the text because of the Israeli-Iranian conflict, the ability of Israel to negatively affect the Iranian nuclear program, as well the ability of Israel to spark a popular revolution in Iran.
To the author's knowledge, this novel, that tackles the Israeli- Iranian conflict and its future consequences, has not been addressed in literature.
The author applied the analytical critical method in order to examine the questions addressed by the novel under study. In other sections, the author adopts the historical, psychological, ad social approaches, when applicable.
The study covers the following aspects :

The Iranian economy and petrol issue.
The Iranian threat to Israel and its future perspectives
Mechanisms of punishing the Iranian regime.

Main Subjects