Developing innovative techniques in audio-visual translation Hebrew to The audiovisual translation in our Arab world

Document Type : Original Article



unlike its practice in the world, is not evident in a separate branch of translation studies. Therefore, it is almost certain that it has not been studied or studied in translation institutes. The type of translation is constantly growing with demand from traditional and electronic media. Faced with this challenge, it is urgent to find innovative development institutes to teach translators and train them on audiovisual translation from Hebrew to Arabic and from Arabic to Hebrew. Without a scientifically based translation theory, there can be no successful translation practice - a fact that is constant, irrefutable. At the same time, one can not naively believe that knowledge of the provisions and principles of translation theory can replace the translator's own skill. When we stress the need for preparation we must always remember that «... translation is much more than science. It's also portability, and the perfectly qualitative translation, in the end, is always art as well. "


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