England's foreign policy under Henry VII (1485-1509)

Document Type : Original Article



Henry VII became certain that the operation of expansion in the French territory was an illusion.therefore,he decided enhancing his rule in the English sphere of influence in Ireland on one hand, and neutralizing  Scotland in order to ensure its non- interference in the internal affairs of England or non-support for the pretenders to the throne on the other hand. Henry vII adopted a new method in his external relations with Ireland and Scotland. So, he was careful in dealing with the Irish issue and support of autonomy therein. Despite of support of the irish for the rebel movements at the beginning of his rule, he dealt with the irish prisoners with forbearance ,but such policy did not last long . In 1494 ,Henry VII selected an English efficient person , called sir Edward Bowenx, to manage the English sphere of influence in Ireland . Bowenx had established the English governance there through a wide range of legislations . the most prominent of which was Bowenx Law on one hand . on the other hand, Bowenx adopted the divide –and-rule policy between the tribes , so these tribes get busy in their internal confects .therefore ,England enjoyed a phase of relative calm in its relations with Ireland until the end of Henry VIIs era .
As  regards the English relations with the northern neighbor , significant changes occurred to the political relations between the two countries, where  these relation were changed from the phase of the permanent hostility and conflict to a new historical phase characterized by alliance and cooperation .Here, it is worth mentioning that Henry VII had achieved political successeses ,within the last years of rule , represented in making a set of covenants ,which had remarkable significance for England ,including but not limited to the Treaty of perpetual peace with Scotland , thereby England turned from an isolated and introversive island into a key player in the political relations and events in Europe , and became among those states weighted in the European relations                                                                

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