نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
Philo Alexandria (20B.C - 50 A.D) is one of the most important of Alexandrian philosophical school, which appeared in the city of Alexandria in the first three centuries AD; That is what the majority of researches agreed-upon. Philo composed lots of works , written in Greek.
The concept of Soul is one of the most prominent concept in the writings of Philo Alexandria. For Philo, this concept represents a basic mediation, through which God is able to intercommunicate with the man and the world.
Throughout his philosophical works, Philo tried to reconcile between the conception of the Soul, in Old Testament, in which it is the source of his religion, and the views of the Greek philosopher, since the dawn of Greek philosophy till his era.
reason behind our selection to the topic of this thesis, is to indulge into the depth of the Hellenistic Jewish literature; in addition to presenting researches in Arabic language at that type of literature, which is rare to be found, while lots of western academics and researchers are looking after it.We were so keen to learn this literature at Alex, the center of the Greek literature, for nearly three centuries, and to be acquainted with all Philo’s works
we used the analytical comparative style; as we analyzed first that concept, in the texts of the Greek Philosophy and that of the Old Testament , and then we made analysis to that concept in Philo writings, to clarify the differences and the similarities and the influence at both of these sources.
Throughout this study to the concept of Soul in Philo, we accurately concluded that he did not succeed completely, in his attempt for reconciliation, between the image of the soul, which he took from several schools and what he found in the Old Testament. He didn’t yield to the image of the soul in the Old Testament, but he was a good follower and imitator to that image in the Greek Myth and the Greek philosophy.Philo was unable to reflect a Unified perception to his own concept of Soul.