نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
أستاذ مساعد بقسم التاريخ – کلية الآداب – جامعة عين شمس
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
The Historian " Ibn Zahira " is one of the historians of " Bani Zahira " family , the famous family since the sixth century in Islamic history / 12th AD .
Unfortunately this historian hasn't had enough studies of the historians and biography in spite of his knowledge and status, that they mentioned him briefly in few lines only.
So the researcher studied this historian detailed study through what was written about him in the sources, and what he wrote in his book " Al Jame'a Al Lateef " .
This search study this historian and his book " Al Jame'a Al Lateef " from : his birth, origination, culture, social class, and inadequate study to his book from : classification, content, historical reference, and his method in historical writing in that period.